There are two fundamentals that are being abandoned by American society. They are two words that can be described as two values, and they are absolutely essential to maintaining order.
Each one of these basic ingredients are required if we expect to live in relative civility. They are requisite because a certain percentage of our population lacks control and/or a conscience as it relates to violating social norms and expectations.
Sadly, these two words, two values, two societal fundamentals are being abandoned due to a progressive movement that is anything but forward thinking. Quite frankly, it is contrived to usurp power from the rational among us and transfer it to irrational political demands. The philosophical movement is taking us out at the knees – in stability, civility, and public tranquility. (The alliteration is meant to be serious, not cute.)
The two words, two values, two societal fundamentals that are being abandoned are the ENFORCEMENT (or the erosion) of laws that are in place to promote public safety, and CONSEQUENCES to those who violate these statutes.
A thriving free society needs honorable people who are tasked with ensuring others abide by the rules. We need people to ENFORCE the law.
Moreover, there needs to be a penalty for willful violators of our statutes. Offenders need to be subject to CONSEQUENCES, otherwise there is no sense in having codified laws. And despite the demands of “social justice warriors,” the punishment must fit the crime, not tailored to a specific category of offender.
As ENFORCEMENT gets compromised and CONSEQUENCES are minimized (or eliminated) for certain elements of society, chaos erupts. Can I get a witness? We’ve been watching it for the past few years and it will continue to wreak havoc on civil-minded people unless society as a whole re-embraces ENFORCEMENT and CONSEQUENCES with humane, yet firm resolve.