License plate reader (LPR) technology is one of the most powerful crime-fighting tools available to law enforcement. It’s truly a force multiplier for both street officers and investigators. Unfortunately, it’s taken some unjustified hits in the media recently. It’s time to set the record straight and we’ve got a new video and some information to share with you.
Since most crimes have a vehicle nexus, LPR is our best tool to dramatically cut crime. Post Falls (Idaho) Police Chief Scot Haug, a respected police technologist and early adopter of LPR tech, has said LPR is every bit as game-changing as DNA. I think he’s right. LPR has already solved some horrific crimes and led to the rescue of abducted children, not to mention the recovery of millions of dollars worth of stolen vehicles.
Despite its demonstrated utility and benefit to public safety, LPR has become a popular target during the recent rise in anti-government sentiment spurred by reports concerning the National Security Agency monitoring email and phone calls of private citizens. Privacy advocates have seized on the mistrust to question why law enforcement agencies should be using LPR data. For more than five years, their mantra has been that law enforcement “might misuse the data.” The rhetoric hasn’t really changed much, just the intensity.
I’ve been deeply involved with LPR technology during these past five years and I’m unaware of any misuse of LPR data. However, I am aware of dozens of great examples of the technology solving very serious crimes that might not have been resolved otherwise. Personally, I’m tired of LPR critics telling their version of “the sky is falling.” LPR works and law enforcement should not shy away from this powerful tool.
To put things in perspective and provide a reality check on LPR, we’re distributing a short video that debunks the alarmist claims. It’s easy to watch and informative.
Video: LPR 101: How License Plate Recognition Is Saving Lives & Solving Crimes
Make sure you share it with others and help set the record straight about this valuable technology. If we cave to unwarranted criticism, we will only lessen our crime-fighting capabilities. That hurts our citizens and helps the bad guy.
Bottom line – Watch the video and pass it on!
And, for a written commentary regarding how to stay out of the crosshairs of public criticism of LPR, check out this article. It’s a good one (I wrote it!).