Hey Washington Post, can you just make up your mind?
You created a magnificent database showcasing fatalities as a result of police shootings. That database clearly proves that there is absolutely no bias in police related use of deadly force when you take into account the rate of violent crimes committed along racial lines but then you continue to push an agenda that completely discredits your own research.
You continue to push the whole “black males make up only six percent of the population” non-sense while also admitting that those six percent are responsible for more violent crime than all other races combined.
That stat alone is both extremely alarming and disgusting.
It doesn’t take a Rhode Scholar to figure out that those committing violent crimes will tend to have more frequent contact with law enforcement.
Now you’re attacking minority hiring and how hiring more African American officers wouldn’t make a difference.
As usual, your source has never been a cop but they fit your anti-cop agenda. His two cents reveal that a higher number of African American officers will not change the number of black males shot by police due to those officers wanting to please their white colleagues.
Seriously, does anyone believe this junk and more importantly does anyone still subscribe to your newspaper?
This statement is delusional at best and psychotic at worse.
So your theory is that white officers are filled with joy when learning of the death of a black civilian. Like some white patrolman will approach a black colleague within minutes of shooting a black male and give him a high five…..”drinks are on me bro!!!”
Is this an April Fools Joke in January on who can come up with the most delusional theory on officer involved shootings?
Maybe, just maybe, it comes down to split second decisions, made in real time, by officers of all races and backgrounds. Doesn’t that follow logic? Aren’t you academia types suppose to rely on logic? You even state that black officer on black suspect use of physical force is happening at higher rates than if the officer was white. But rather than follow logic, the only reason that pops into your cannabis fueled brain is that those cops just want to be liked by the rest of the group of devils. It can’t be that they are responding to the more than 60% of all robberies and more than 50% of all murders committed by black males? Nope, that can’t be it. They’re just trying to impress the white cops right?
I don’t recall seeing high fives or pats on the back when Keith Scott was justifiably shot by an African American officer in North Carolina. And as for this “spate” of fatal police shootings of black men that the author mentions, can that author name the five white males, some of whom were unarmed, that were shot and killed by police on the same exact day as Keith Scott without referencing your own database? I didn’t think so.
Ole Bullethead has been around a long time and I’ve never recalled seeing one high five after anyone was killed. This job wears you down and the grind after reading this fake news gets to you. The Washington Post has actually done law enforcement a favor. Their database has proven over and over again that police shootings are not driven by racism but rather they are driven by those that commit crime and more specifically violent crime.
And before I go, let me explain why we need minority police officers and it’s not to reduce police shootings because that will only happen when criminals stop attacking cops. We need police officers of all races because our communities deserve to be protected by an agency that reflects them and no I’m not talking about the proverbial “only blacks can police blacks” because that is a racist statement I have heard far too many times but every agency should strive to reflect the community they serve because it’s the right thing to do not because of what your so called “source” said.
Bullethead has spoken.