The world has been brainwashed to believe that law enforcement is hunting blacks down in the streets and murdering them.
The mere thought of that is sick and demented, which makes the idea by so many so incredulous.
First, in today’s climate where the mere wrong look will get you accused of just about anything, the idea that people think that American Law Enforcement is just randomly looking for blacks to kill is ridiculous.
Does anyone really believe that there is a cop on the planet that wakes up in the morning and says, “I need to get a workout in and then find a black guy to shoot?”
Yea, makes perfect sense. Because that always works out great!
The fact that so many believe this, is a tribute to the tactics that have been used through the years to make it happen.
Amazing what 100 million dollars can do for you, which is an estimate of the money raised in just a few years by crazy, leftist groups that believe in part that the police should just be eliminated.
Wow, no bias there!
So how have they done it and what can we learn from it?
Well, for one, they took advantage of really dumb people that decided that a twitter post or hashtag was always the truth. Throw a few fancy memes in there, and you can literally change the mind of a generation.
Keep in mind, that just a decade ago, you would be called a crazy person for suggesting just half of what these groups are saying today but this is 2020 where the truth takes a backseat to crazy town.
Law Enforcement Isn’t Playing the Game
Not only are we not playing the game, but we also aren’t even on the field. While groups went to work with their flowing donations by guilty white people and developed high tech websites and a robust social media campaign, law enforcement didn’t take them seriously.
I get it. Why would we? After all, we were responding to robberies and murders and actually working for a living and we had too much trust in the American Citizen that they would see these ideas as nuttier than a Christmas Fruitcake but we thought wrong.
While the “abolish the police” crowd were making fancy YouTube Videos and using a grassroots effort of volunteers to flood social media, our teenagers were paying attention and we were too busy lip-syncing or dancing or taking selfies.
While Hollywood made movies and rappers made music depicting us as murders, we were filming documentaries designed for 65-year-old white dudes to watch.
We thought it would make a difference but we could not compete.
The Data Game
One of the most mind-blowing aspects of this non-sense is the idea of “systematic” racism in law enforcement. It didn’t concern us because the truth was on our side. Oh sure, we knew they liked to .manipulate the data but only an idiot could believe it. We did our exhaustive studies and academic research while they threw out eight-word memes with the typical “blacks are shot 2.5 times more by police” over and over and over again.
As the saying goes, if you say something long enough, it becomes a truth but we didn’t believe it.
Of course, comparing law enforcement to the population is stupid because it’s not the general population that we come into contact with but rather criminals. Even though the scientist community rejects this comparison, we took it all for granted.
No one in their right mind would compare the NBA to the population or restaurant clientele or anything….but law enforcement.
We took all of this for granted and now they call you a racist for mentioning the truth.
The rarity of being shot unarmed is so nutty, we couldn’t imagine anyone would buy it.
They not only bought it, but they are also using it to systematically destroy the profession.
Sure, we should have known. Six years after Ferguson, kids are still putting their hands up in the air and chanting “hands up…don’t shoot” and that was a complete lie but we laughed it off.
No one is laughing now.
Where Do We Go From Here
That is certainly the question that every cop is asking at this very moment. It seems this happened so suddenly but it didn’t. It was a slow, meticulous, planned out venture to accomplish what we are seeing today.
It is ludicrous to think that with 350 million police-citizen contacts a year, with virtually all of them filmed, all of this is happening from one contact in Minnesota but is it?
The activist groups did not hide their intentions. Their platform of defunding, reforming, and even abolishing law enforcement was on their websites for all to see. We laughed at the thought of it and couldn’t imagine how they could think about it.
Come to find out, they weren’t just thinking it, they were working towards it.
A meme I saw yesterday made it crystal clear as to how we have all been played. It was several pictures with a black background that had photos of individuals that had shot by police. That is, what they wanted the viewer to think.
In truth, several weren’t shot by the police at all. The last time I checked, Trayvon Martin was shot by a citizen playing police, which ironically seems to be the solution in Minneapolis and several others had stories surrounding their death that had nothing to do with law enforcement.
But, what we know now, in an extremely brutal way, is it doesn’t matter. What should have said, “Snopes Says False” instead said, “Say Their Name.”
Ultimately, we didn’t take any of this seriously. After all, the truth matters right?
Well, not really.