Photo: Inside the burned apartment where UCLA student Andrea DelVesco was found dead, CNN.
Two veteran officers of the Los Angeles Police Department have been fired for the way they responded to a call about a women screaming—who was later found dead, according to a CBSLosAngeles news report.
Officers Rhoadell Sudduth and Alisha Williams did not knock on the door or go inside the apartment where a woman was reportedly heard screaming—the apartment was set on fire 30 minutes later, and the charred remains of UCLA student Andrea DelVesco were found inside.
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On September 21, 2015, a neighbor called police and reported that a woman was screaming in a nearby apartment. The caller later told police, in an interview obtained by CNN, about what she heard and how the officers responded:
Caller: “I thought it was coming from downstairs.”
Officer: “Do you know if the officers went and door-knocked downstairs?”
Caller: “Uhm, I talked to him after and he said no.”