Law enforcement has changed radically in the last three decades and while there aren’t enough words to describe all of those changes, one of the most troubling is the ease that criminals, activists or just crazy internet trolls can gain access to your personal information, including where you and your family live.
All it takes is one encounter and just a little effort by some nefarious coward and your trouble will just be beginning.
The internet ruined the “good ole” days of grabbing a P.O. Box and never having to worry about your family being paid a visit by any of your previous encounters with criminals. Countless law enforcement professionals across the country have suffered off-duty troubles at their own home and while there may never be a way to prevent it completely, each of us have a duty to make it as hard as possible for anyone seeking that information.
That is why I recommend in all of my seminars. is owned by Pete James, a retired law enforcement officer who spent the end of his career specializing in digital forensics. After retirement, he turned that passion into a career as a digital forensics consultant and private investigator. As the landscape of the profession changed along with ongoing incidents of criminals finding officer’s personal information online which turned into harassment, doxing or worse, Pete decided to do something about it.
And we can all be thankful that he did. was formed and it has helped thousands of law enforcement professionals in all 50 states.
That is until now!
Travis Yates is the author of “The Courageous Police Leader.” His training events along with additional resources can be located at: