McLean, VA (June 28, 2023) – Over the past two years Citizens Behind the Badge (CBB), a pro-law enforcement advocacy organization, has surveyed Americans about their views on policing and the results are in—they want more police in their neighborhoods and they blame the media and politicians for anti-police hatred and violence.
The survey packages, which were sent out starting in August 2021 and continued periodically until the present, also included a “Declaration of Support” that citizens could sign to their local law enforcement agency. More than 127,000 Americans returned their surveys, and more than 61,000 have returned their signed “Declaration of Support,” the nonprofit McLean (VA)-based organization reported.
“While we expected to see strong opposition to the ‘defund and defame the police’ movement, we were shocked when we saw the level of outrage that citizens across the country felt about police budget cuts and anti-police rhetoric,” declared CBB founder and CEO Craig W. Floyd. “Ninety-seven percent blamed police budget cuts for the dramatic rise in crime across America; 97 percent strongly oppose the defame and defund the police movement; 98 percent blamed the media, politicians and the public schools for creating a climate of distrust, disrespect, and even hatred for our police; and 95 percent said they would like to see more police officers patrolling their neighborhood,” Floyd added.
“This overwhelming public opposition to the ‘defund and defame the police’ movement and loud outcry for more police has energized our organization and given great credence to our mission,” Floyd stated. “We are now more determined than ever to stop the anti-police and pro-criminal policies that have created a public safety and police safety crisis, and will work even harder to ensure that our officers are given the resources and respect they need and deserve to keep America safe,” Floyd stated.
Below is a complete summary of survey results.
QUESTION #1: Do you think the rush by “progressive” politicians to slash the budgets of police departments has contributed to the dramatic rise in murder rates and violent crime across America?
97% – Yes
1% – No
2% – Not Sure
QUESTION #2: What is your opinion of the “Defund and Defame the Police” movement?
97% – Strongly Oppose
3% – Oppose
0% – Support
0% – Strongly Support
QUESTION #3: Do you think these relentless attacks on America’s police by the media and politicians is a contributing factor to the significant increase in police deaths and the roughly 60,000 violent assaults on police each year?
97% – Yes
1% – No
2% – No Opinion
QUESTION #4: How much blame do you place on the media, politicians, and the public schools for creating a climate of distrust, disrespect, and even hatred for our police?
98% – I blame them a lot
1% – I blame them some
0% – I place the blame on police
1% – No Opinion
QUESTION #5: How concerned are you about society collapsing into lawless chaos due to this climate of hatred toward our police that’s been fueled by the media, progressive politicians, and the public schools?
91% – Very Concerned
9% – Concerned
0% – Not Concerned
QUESTION #6: What’s your reaction to this finding by Harvard Professor Roland Fryer that police are actually more likely to use deadly force against White Americans than Black Americans?
3% – Very Surprised
95% – Not Surprised
1% – Surprised
1% – Not Sure
QUESTION #7: Would you like to see more police officers patrolling your neighborhood, fewer police officers, or about the same number of police officers as now?
95% – I would like more police officers in my neighborhood
1% – Fewer
3% – About the same
1% – Not sure
About Citizens Behind the Badge
Established in 2020, Citizens Behind the Badge is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt organization based in McLean, Virginia. Its mission is to put an end to the misguided and disastrous movement to “defund and defame the police” and to ensure that our law enforcement professionals receive the support and resources needed to keep America safe. For more information go to: or email [email protected].