LOGAN COUNTY, Ark. – A teacher in Arkansas reportedly sought to “gratify her sexual desires” by exchanging nude photos with a 14-year-old student, according to law enforcement authorities.
Kaytlann Barnes, 30, is accused of sending several nude photos and a video through Snapchat “purposefully exposing her sex organs” to the male student. She was a teacher Booneville Junior High School when the crimes occurred, according to the Logan County Sheriff’s Office.
“It is alleged that Kaytlann, who was a teacher at the time, sent sexually explicit photos through the Snapchat app to a student and that she directed the student to send sexually explicit pictures back to her,” the sheriff’s office said in a press release.
Barnes was seeking illicit material from the underage male student to “arouse or gratify her sexual desires,” according to court records obtained by KATV.
On Nov. 17, sheriff’s investigators and an agent with the Arkansas State Police arrested Barnes at her residence in Fort Smith on an arrest warrant following an investigation by the sheriff’s office along with the assistance of state police.
The 14-year-old student, who attends Booneville Junior High School, reportedly received the images over a span of two nights while he was at his residence, the New York Post reported.
“Kaytlann is no longer employed at the school,” the sheriff’s office said in the news release. She was charged with felony counts of sexual indecency with a child, producing, directing or promoting a sexual performance by a child, use of a communication device, and computer child pornography.
Barnes posted $25,000 bail and was released from jail on Monday.