In the 20 years of our existence, both as a print magazine and online publication, there has not been a bigger disaster than the Minneapolis Police Department. That disaster is not because of the men and women working for MPD, because we know many and they are dedicated professionals that have deserved much better. That disaster is not because of the George Floyd incident, because the leaders in Minneapolis lied to the world about that and assumed their woke cousins called the news media would permit it. They were right about their cousins but every family has a bad apple and Liz Collins exposed all of them in “The Fall of Minneapolis.”
The only explanation that makes sense of the 72 page use of force policy, serial liars, and a police force marching towards a 50% reduction in staffing, is that there is a real intent to destroy the city. Reimagining police, it seems, actually means aspiring to be like a third world country.
And just to show you how insistent they are in rapidly destroying any remaining civility in Minneapolis, they agreed to not one, but two consent decrees. You can call it the cherry on top to chaos but we call it evidence of cowardice, weakness, incompetence, and stupidity.
After all, no one with a functioning brain can look at the 30 year track record of police consent decrees and say they are nothing more than a 250 million dollar method to turn communities into The Purge. Unfortunately for Minneapolis, data tells the story and the majority of the most deadliest cities in America are under a consent decree. They won that award, not before the Department of Justice came to town, but after the consent decree was implemented. As Dr. Travis Yates says below, consent decrees turn cities into a real game of Grand Theft Auto.
But Minneapolis is an overachiever in stupidity.
After agreeing to a federal and state consent decree, the city has selected the monitor to oversee each of them. As you know, consent decrees are the biggest scam of failed consent decrees. Millions are given to them each year as they “monitor” those agencies from the luxury of their homes thousands of miles away. As an example, Maricopa County (AZ) has spent over 250 million dollars on their consent decree and the monitor hasn’t been to the area for 3 years.
The monitoring team selected by Minneapolis is the final evidence that they hate their residents and especially hate law and order. They selected a “non-profit” corporation called Effective Law Enforcement For All.
Bob Scales looked into the group and found that they incorporated in Delaware in June 2020, just weeks after the George Floyd incident. The company’s head office is located in the monitor’s $1.2 million home in Maryland. In 2022 the company opened an office in New Orleans at a private home in a gated community with five bedrooms and a golf course. The company is “Not In Good Standing” for failing to file Annual Report with the Louisiana Secretary of State and while paperwork mistakes happen, you can likely determine their intelligence by the fact they wouldn’t spend $100 to hire a registered agent to hide their home address.
The experience from this new organization is pretty breathtaking. The only project listed on their website is a written report done for the Montgomery County Police Department. The members of the monitoring team include former Chiefs of Police from New Orleans and Baltimore who failed to reach compliance with their own DOJ consent decrees during their tenure. The Minneapolis monitoring team also includes members of the New Orleans monitoring team who have engaged in open and public hostilities with the New Orleans Mayor and police department.
Considering that Minneapolis is hiring a newly formed home-based business from out-of-state, without a prior monitoring contract, with members that have already failed in their respective cities, tells you exactly what the residents of Minneapolis are facing.
Bob Scales said it correctly when he said, “consent decrees are not about improving policing or protecting the community. Consent decrees are about money and politics. They are a tool used by civil rights activists to suppress law enforcement activity and reshape the criminal justice system.”
Nothing in Minneapolis should surprise anyone but if there was any doubt as to the actual purpose of the leaders in that city, look no further than this decision.