Do you want to know the truth about the Black Lives Matter movement? Are you willing to look at their agenda objectively? Have you wondered why only a select few black lives actually matter to this organization? Do you wonder how they’ve become lavishly funded?
If so, and you’re looking for the best seller,The Truth Behind the Black Lives Matter Movement and the War on Police via Amazon, you will not be able to get it, because the irrefutable writing has been pulled.
I learned the booked was no longer available when trying to order a copy. “Currently unavailable,” the Amazon tab declared. “We don’t know when or if this item will be back in stock.”
Censorship is being practiced at Amazon. Moreover, it is occurring because the truth apparently collides with the politics of Jeff Bezos, founder, CEO, and president of the multi-national technology company. Rather than challenging facts, they’ve chosen to hide the condemning details since these revelations harm the dangerous BLM movement undermining American values.
Dr. Ron Martinelli is the author. This describes the truth-telling chronicle:
A facts-based introduction to the controversial and militant Black Lives Matter political organization and movement written by a nationally renowned forensic criminologist who has been involved in many of the nation’s most publicized police-involved death cases. Learn about the movement’s founders, ideology, funding sources, surrogates, radical goals and objectives to disenfranchise law enforcement and usurp the rule of democratic law. Several infamous police death cases forensically explained and numerous false narratives of the movement are factually destroyed with explanations of the actual circumstances. This is a powerful, vetted “go to” reference source for researchers, the media, law enforcement and those interested in this radical movement. Hundreds of references listed to allow for self-investigation of the Black Lives Matter organization.
I spoke to Dr. Martinelli regarding the book getting pulled (censored) by Amazon.
“They pulled it about two weeks before (Jeff) Bezos came out in support of BLM,” he said. “But there is no one in leadership at Black Lives Matter who can take on the book, because it is based upon facts, and filled with their own quotes. … They can’t challenge it.”
This link will help you learn more about the book as well as order a copy if you desire.
The BLM propaganda needs to be challenged and stopped. The Truth Behind the Black Lives Matter Movement and the War on Police does it better than ever.
– Jim McNeff