Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s racist actions exposed a disturbing trend in America. And while excluding white people—anyone—from her preferred media posse is absolutely racist, we should appreciate her candor. And we should be glad she did so in the name of “equity”—because now, “equity” finally has a clear and simple definition.
Thanks to Lightfoot’s decisive leadership, it’s also clear that putting “equity” into practice means “being racist with prejudice by excluding white people” or any demographic group for the sake of “equity.”
Clearly, as Lightfoot has proved, “equity” does not have much to do with fairness, or equality. Lightfoot, as a shining beacon of leadership toward “equity” has finally cleared away the fog and enlightened us all about what it means to embrace “equity”—it’s being racist, plain and simple.
So, we’re wondering if others should be empowered by Lightfoot.
And more specifically, we’re wondering if police officers in Chicago and all across America should follow her leadership example.
So, should police officers follow her example and act with racial prejudice for the sake of “equity”?
If so, then forget “accountability”—it’s now perfectly fine for Chicago cops to say, “sorry, for the sake of equity, I’m not responding to calls with white suspects.”
And if they follow her leadership, it should be entirely acceptable for cops to say, “Sorry, I only pursue suspects who belong to my racial demographic group… I don’t want them to misunderstand my attempt to arrest them.”
And it seems that Chicago cops following in the shimmering wokeness of Lightfoot’s example are now permitted to tell citizens, “Sorry, the suspect’s skin is different than mine, I can’t investigate this.”
The scary thing is, there are plenty of politicians and lawmakers who are following Lightfoot’s lead, and leading us down a path toward blatant racism. And just like Lightfoot, those who are pushing racism in the name of “equity” have overlooked how their racist moves are only promoting the racism they thinking they’re fighting.
Frighteningly, as a sign that “equity” madness has run amok, a search of the current bills in Congress shows the term “equity” mentioned thousands of times, either in the title of the bill or in the legislation itself.
Indeed, “equity”—the BS buzzword and euphemism for racism—is now being embedded in our laws.
And if law enforcement professionals aren’t careful, and fail to speak out, they’ll likely be dealing with head-spinning racist ideas despite the wokely virtuous label.
But worst of all, police officers may soon find themselves being forced to behave in ways that are blatantly racist. Just look at Mayor Lightfoot’s racist, exclusion of “white” people from her preferred press corps for the sake of “equity.”
So let’s be clear. “Equity” is not something we should encourage or put into practice.
And while woke-minded “leaders” seem to love ignoring the reality of sky-rocketing crime in America, equity will never be possible in law enforcement or the criminal justice system so long as people of every stripe and creed commit crimes.
Unless of course, Lightfoot and other (racist) politicians have a plan to help criminals commit crimes in ways that are more “equitable” as well…
And if crime stats are any indication, it seems Lightfoot and other champions of “equity” have a lot of work to do. For example, as FBI crime stats clearly show, “blacks” killed more twice as many “whites” (566) than “whites” killed “blacks” (246)in 2019, the last complete year that FBI UCR data is available.
And we’re wondering how Mayor Lightfoot can explain the “equity” in this alarmingly tragic statistic: 9 out of 10 “blacks” were murdered by other “blacks.”
Hopefully, Mayor Lightfoot will soon reveal her plans to promote “equity” among violent criminals…