We’ve been lied to… And while cities have burned, and people have died politicians and the media have profited. Last Thursday marked the end of the state’s case in the Derek Chauvin trial. And I’ve listened to practically every word. And after 11 days of testimony and numerous witnesses, there is one word I didn’t hear—”racism.”
And the fact that the word “racism” was not used during this incident—the murder of George Floyd due “systematic police racism”—should seem beyond suspicious. And there are several reasons why every American should be deeply concerned about this, especially since so many so-called leaders took part in making myths, distorting facts, and telling lies. For example…
Minnesota District Attorney Keith Ellison led us to believe this was a racially motivated murder.
Minnesota Governor Tim Walz led us to believe this was a racially motivated murder.
Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey led us to believe this was a racially motivated murder.
So many other so-called leaders and media “experts” spoke out about “racism” in this case as well, including: Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Nancy Pelosi… Joe Biden, Kamala Harris… Don Lemon, Rachel Maddow. Most of Hollywood and any celebrity and comedian who needed attention or was apparently drunk… And then there’s all the self-proclaimed “activists” such as Shaun (“Talcum X”) King—I could go on and on…
Yet quite tellingly, in the most blatant case of “systematic police racism” in America in the 21st century, the prosecution spoke nothing of it. Nothing.
And why were claims of “systematic police racism” never mentioned by the prosecution? As most rational, civil-minded people know, it’s because systematic police racism had nothing to do with the facts or the truth.
Even more importantly, now with all of the evidence and plenty of doubt, facts and truth have become quite damaging to political clout and capital. And that’s why practically none of the people who decried “racism” are going to tell the truth.
But let’s take their word for it, shall we?
If this was all about “racism” then what about the fact that since George Floyd died…
375 “white” Americans have been killed by police—24 of them were described as unarmed
193 “black” Americans have been killed by police—11 of them were described as unarmed
I don’t know about you, but I’m having a hard time finding the so-called “systematic police racism” in the facts and truth of the matter here.
Outrageously, city governments are paying pay out millions of dollars—even before full investigations can be completed. That’s in no small part to lawfaring lawayers and the so-called “media,” who are complicit in forcing us to know the names of certain people, while others who do not fit the popular political and media narrative of the moment are simply ignored.
Funny, we haven’t heard much about the unfortunate incident involving Tony Timpa.
Never mind “systematic police racism,” this is systematic media targeting—aka propaganda.
Like many Americans, I have no interest in watching the injustice and tragedy that has become the Derek Chauvin trial.
And it is indeed an American tragedy:
Friends and family become wildly self-righteous with hashtags, black squares on Instaface or some other dumbass “social” media platform that made them feel symbolically righteous…
People lost their livelihoods, and in some unfortunate tragedies, their lives as well…
Cities burned…
And elections were won (or lost)…
All based on a lie.
And without a doubt, those who have been lying to us, will never accept accountability for their actions.
Instead, they will continue to lie. The truth will be buried. And nothing will change…