EXCELSIOR SPRINGS, Mo. – Missouri police officers engaged in a distinctive vehicle pursuit as they chased a driver “hauling a big ol’ house” through the streets of Excelsior Springs a few weeks ago, according to a report.
The unorthodox pursuit involved a 70-foot long mobile home being towed by a pickup truck about 30 miles northeast of Kansas City on Thanksgiving. The chase was captured on police dashcam, KCTV 5 reported.
“He was traveling all over the roadway. We thought he might’ve been drunk,” Sgt. Craven of the Excelsior Springs Police Department said in a video posted on Facebook. “We came up on him. We chased him real fast down the road.”
The agency posted the following details along with video of the chase:
On the evening of November 23rd, our officers made an attempt to pull over a vehicle. When the vehicle failed to stop, our department found itself in an unusual situation. We have had many inquiries about the incident, so we would like to take this chance to provide some footage of that evening.
After all, it’s not every day that officers find themselves in a pursuit with a house!
“We chased him off the roadway, and he jacked up his truck. He jacked up his trailer,” Craven said. “And then we took him to jail like Excelsior does.”
At the end, the video fades out to a black screen with the words, “Keeping Excelsior safe … One trailer at a time.”