I am a police chief and member of The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP). I have been a member for years and I’ve never questioned the IACP mission until now.
On their homepage they make this declaration: “Since 1893, the association has been serving communities by speaking out on behalf of law enforcement and advancing leadership and professionalism in policing worldwide.”
“Speaking out on behalf of law enforcement.”
With that in mind, just over two weeks ago, I posed the following question to the IACP president on Twitter:
“When will the IACP release a statement condemning the attacks on American law enforcement professionals? This Association was quick to speak out against the horrible events in Memphis; however, they remain silent when cops are murdered.”
I then checked out the President’s Twitter feed and noticed that he was attending the IACP Winter Board of Directors Meeting to address the governance of the Association and focus on the “Trust Building Campaign.” Therefore, I then made a quick statement and posed a question:
“Recent Gallop polls show police officers are one of the most respected professions. Why is the IACP doing a Trust Building Campaign?”
It seemed to me, that these declarations from the President of an organization that claims to be “Shaping the Future of the Police Profession,” that he was more concerned with political posturing than “Speaking out on behalf of law enforcement.”
After posing my question, it appears that the IACP president “blocked” me on Twitter and then deleted my comment on LinkedIn.
Did I ask questions that opened a door that shed light on a perspective that members aren’t aware of?
Could it be that the IACP receives grants and funding from the federal government and therefore, they must walk the line dictated by the current administration?
One of the largest contributors to the IACP is the Department of Justice. Could this be why the IACP has seemingly failed to question the many reforms or consent decrees imposed by their largest donor?
Is this fair?
Does this make sense?
Since being seemingly blocked by the president of the IACP on social media, four police officers have been murdered in America: Officer Redd, Memphis, Tennessee PD; Officer Fowler, Pontotoc County, Oklahoma PD; Officer Vasquez- Lasso, Chicago, Illinois PD; and Trooper Bailey, Indiana State Police.
Just this week, the public safety-training center in Atlanta, Georgia was set ablaze by two dozen terrorists.
There appears to be NOTHING on the IACP website or social media pages condemning any of this.
Again, why?
The IACP claims to support better training, more equipment, and more resources for police departments; yet, they have over $40 million dollars in assets.
Imagine what type of training and equipment could be provided to law enforcement agencies with that type of funding?
The IACP spends millions on their annual conference every year. Again, imagine how far those funds could go to help support law enforcement agencies.
Finally, the IACP is a not-for-profit 501c(3) organization headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia. In their latest IRS filings, they over spent $14 million on salaries and benefits with the CEO and Deputy Executive Director making a combined salary of $873,713 in 2020.
I’ve never considered how the organization collects or spends its money. But call me curious now and have a few other questions that I would like the IACP to answer:
How much money is actually allocated that directly benefits police officers?
When does the organization stand up for its officers and defend them even in the face of protests, when they are ultimately, in the right?
Has the world’s largest law enforcement organization become too political?
Should we not have the right to ask questions?
Rather than engage in dialogue, I think I may have been cancelled.
If the IACP can’t handle legitimate questions, what can they handle?
The IACP should be a powerful force for support in our profession. They have the bully pulpit…they certainly have the resources but what have they actually done in “speaking out on behalf of law enforcement?”
Since I’ve been a police chief, I’ve never really seen that. Instead, I’ve witnessed apologies for, and condemnation against police officers coupled with a progressive agenda and a dangerous political focus.
The profession has been attacked both physically and verbally more in the last few years than combined in our entire history.
There isn’t a week that doesn’t go by where national pundits are lying and officers are dying.
At this point, rather than blocking a police chief for asking a question, the IACP president should be building trust. This will not take money but will take character. Not even eight million dollars on the next conference can restore character.
What really is the purpose and Mission of the IACP? Does the IACP truly care about cops?
I’m just a curious police chief that would really like to know.
Chief Scott Hughes has been in law enforcement since 1997. Serving in numerous leadership positions in several departments, Hughes has helped transform cultures through effective leadership, personnel management, and accountability. For over twenty years, Chief Hughes has served as an instructor through the Ohio Peace Officer’s Training Commission, and also collaborates with attorneys teaching use of force, tactics, and case law.
Chief Hughes has a bachelor’s degree in Organizational Leadership from the University of Charleston, is a member of the Association of Force Investigators, and has a Certified Law Enforcement Executive (CLEE) designation. He chairs the Professional Services Committee for the Ohio Association of Chiefs of Police and is a member of the Education Committee. Chief Hughes also serves as a subject matter expert on various legal issues, including use of force, police procedures, and police policy.He serves as a Law Enforcement Client Advisor with Fireproofed Leadership, assisting clients on a wide range of law enforcement leadership and culture change initiatives, coaching, audits, and more. Chief Hughes is currently the Chief of Police of one of the fastest-growing suburbs in Ohio.
Photo by todd kent on Unsplash