Robert Michaels

Robert Michaels

Robert Michaels is CEO and Founder of Serve & Protect, a nonprofit corporation dedicated to serving the emotional wellness needs of public safety and medical providers. Founded in 2011, Serve & Protect has facilitated trauma services for more than 6500 seeking emotional assistance from a therapist. Michaels served as a MP with the Virginia National Guard and on patrol and as a Detective with Norfolk Police. Rob holds a BA from Columbia International University and a MA from Wheaton College (IL). In addition to leading Serve & Protect, he serves as host for the Guns’n’Hoses podcast and as Chaplain for two Federal Agencies, and Brentwood. Learn more at

The presumption of guilt

A cornerstone of American jurisprudence is the presumption of innocence. Everyone, including the most terrible in society, are innocent until they are proven guilty. And the government must prove any allegation beyond a reasonable doubt. This key principle is essential...

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