In an upcoming Law Officer Live interview with Sand Springs (OK) Police Chief Mike Carter, a discussion on their innovative Police Plan takes place and it is a concept that Editor In Chief Travis Yates calls “long overdue” for law enforcement and he points out that the Sand Springs Plan is a “blueprint for every agency to look at.”
In what Yates often discusses in his Courageous Leadership Seminar, the Sand Springs Police Department not only sought out the most innovative and dynamic philosophies to better serve the public but they got citizens involved in the process along with the police union.
In an exclusive interview with Chief Carter, he said that the Policing Plan “stakes their claim” as to what the pubic should expect his agency to do not only in times of crisis but every day.
In the interview, Yates calls for every agency to follow the lead of Chief Carter and his agency. “Businesses do not operate without a plan and without communicating to their customers what they can expect and neither should law enforcement agencies” Yates said to Carter.
The document covers everything from how the department will use body camera footage to the concept that traffic warnings should be increased and fines decreased as the agency pushes an agenda for community safety rather than for revenue driven activity.
Yates said he was particular impressed with the “Employee Empowerment” section of the plan, which he says is “often ignored by agencies.”
“The Sand Springs Police Department is very proud of the relationship that exists between our officers and administration. The department has an impressive record of only one grievance being filed since 1993. One way this was accomplished is by giving ownership of the department to our officers. The department allows officers to be innovative and empowers them to solve problems rather than just adhering to the traditional model of following directives from higher authority. One form that this empowerment takes is the ability of every officer to have a voice in respect to policies, programs, equipment, training, and even this policing plan.”
The expectations of training along with how policy development is detailed along with a process to get the community involved in various review processes within the agency.
You can read the complete Police Plan here and watch the exclusive interview July 5, 2017 at 7 PM CST on the Law Officer Facebook page or archived here.