Daniel Carr

Daniel Carr

Daniel Carr is a law enforcement veteran in a major city. He has a Master's Degree in Criminal Justice and a Law Degree (J.D.). His Police Law Newsletter takes an honest examination of police use of force incidents, police policy, law, culture and how they all mix together to create the most riveting topics of discussion.

January 6

January 6th was not an insurrection. It was a riot. Full of both assholes and tourists. Those who assaulted/battered police officers should be arrested and prosecuted. Those who walked around the Capitol like they were on a lazy tour of...

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The Baby Snatchers

There is another controversial case involving the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department (LASD) that has enticed the media and incited the usual anti-police activists. This incident occurred over a year ago, but since it happened under the former Sheriff’s regime...

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Wrong Address

In a ten day span there were three incidents where homeowners shot at or pointed a gun at individuals that had knocked on the door, rang the doorbell, or mistakenly driven down a rural residential driveway. There is no fathomable...

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