An Argument for Longevity
I think it goes without saying that one of the greatest concerns in law enforcement these days, aside from officer safety, is officer retention. It almost seems like there have ...
I think it goes without saying that one of the greatest concerns in law enforcement these days, aside from officer safety, is officer retention. It almost seems like there have ...
Author and humorist P.J. O’Rourke described the elitist view of global overpopulation: ‘Not enough of me, way too much of you.’ The deeper I researched this topic of greater female ...
Public safety agencies are finally grasping the scale of the recruiting crisis. Police recruiting today has the attitude that anybody who meets standards for fitness, moral character, and enough scholastic ...
Los Angeles - The Los Angeles Police Department has shrunk to its smallest size since the 1990s as officers resign in droves and officer morale sinks to an all-time low. ...
Chicago - The Chicago Police Department thinks they have found an incentive for their dwindling candidates. This week, the department announced that they were teaming up with Olive-Harvey College to ...
New York City - The number of people interested in taking the NYPD exam is cratering, likely hitting a new low as the city struggles to fill the positions left ...
It is no secret that law enforcement recruiting is in the middle of a crisis. I’ve discussed what was coming for several years and while I used to spend time ...
As I have previously discussed, law enforcement actually practicing recruiting is a new phenomenon. Until recent years, there were always more qualified candidates than openings and while agencies typically “recruited,” ...
Seattle, Washington - The city of Seattle is struggling to hire new police officers as their response times cross ten minutes for emergency calls for service. The Gateway Pundit reports ...
Law enforcement is facing a critical moment in history and if leaders don't make the correct decisions now, the safety of communities and the ability of the profession to fulfill ...