It shouldn’t surprise anyone that since Michael Brown violently attacked Officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson (MO) and lost his life because of his actions, crime has skyrocketed in the St. Louis suburb.
The ‘Ferguson Effect‘ is in full effect in Ferguson.
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Even before Brown’s actions put the town of 21,059 residents on the map, their crime was disproportionately high.
As Heather Mac Donald has pointed out, in 2014, Ferguson’s violent-crime rate was 545 violent crimes per 100,000 residents, considerably above the 2014 national average of 362. But in 2015, the number of violent crimes in Ferguson surged 65 percent, from 115 to 190. Ferguson’s violent-crime rate in 2015 was 790 per 100,000 residents, over two times the national average of 373 in 2015.
In 2015, the number of murders rose 150 percent, robberies were up 60 percent and aggravated assaults rose 46 percent.
Ferguson’s crime rate should wake all of America up. The lesson?
Blame the cops for the actions of violent criminals and violence will win the day and in Ferguson, it’s winning every day.
Of course nothing in the federal consent decree, that the Department of Justice forced on the Ferguson Police Department, made mention of rising crime.
Sadly, the black residents loose in Ferguson while the national Black Lives Matter Movement celebrates a victory in the city. The riots and demands are over and the only thing left behind is a crime rate twice the national average.