Garry Parker

Garry Parker

Garry Parker has served the citizens of Texas more than four decades in law enforcement and retired from the Texas Department of Public Safety in 2009. He holds a commission from the Texas Department of Public Safety as a Special Ranger. Garry served as a Law Enforcement Liaison and Instructor with the Texas Municipal Police Association and retired in 2020.  Garry is certified as speaker, trainer and coach, through the Maxwell Leadership Team, the International Speakers Network, and the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement.  Garry is a nationally recognized trainer and consultant in traffic safety, crash prevention, law enforcement tasks, and emergency vehicle operation. Garry is a motivational speaker, trainer and coach on communication and leadership. Garry has served as keynote speaker for many conferences around the country.  He has been recognized for excellence in program development and presentation by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement and nationally by Uniform Safety Education Officers Incorporated.   Gary can be reached at:

Check Your Attitude

Over the last few months, I have written articles on, Law Enforcement Driver Training, Managing the Roadside Work Zone, Preventing Blowouts, Emergency Response at High Speed, Seatbelts are part of the Uniform, and Focus beyond the Distractions. Those were all...

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