Clotting Agents
As history demonstrates, conflict often breeds remarkable innovation. The development of hemostatic clotting agents is among these breakthrough technologies. Pick up any police or military-supply catalog lying around your agency ...
As history demonstrates, conflict often breeds remarkable innovation. The development of hemostatic clotting agents is among these breakthrough technologies. Pick up any police or military-supply catalog lying around your agency ...
The International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association (ILEETA) conducts its annual Training Conference and Expo April 1 5 at the Westin Chicago North Shore in Wheeling, Ill.
First, do no harm. What is implicit in this simple precept of medicine? An awesome power. The power to do harm. Who gives you this power? The patient. The patient ...
I had a friend who had a dog that liked to bark a lot. Yelling at the dog didn t work. To a dog, all yelling sounds like is you ...
The phrase, Tactics, Technology and Training has been our tag line since this magazine was founded, and it s my belief that these three areas are integral to safe and ...
A few years ago, I was asked to set up some training classes in Brazil. Excited at the opportunity to visit this amazing country, I decided it would be advantageous ...
Having trouble filling the ranks? That s no surprise. If you haven t been challenged with recruitment, stop grinning. The odds overwhelmingly indicate you ll have trouble within the next ...
In 1896, Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite, left a legacy known throughout the world. He used his vast fortune to create something that would come to symbolize and celebrate ...
My partner and I, working in plainclothes, were on the trail of a dangerous criminal. Our investigation led us to a rundown trailer park that also had a few small ...