Tom Collins

Tom Collins

Tom Collings has been a public safety officer for 38 years. His background includes 26 years with NY State Dept. of Corrections, 7 years as a Juvenile Detention Center supervisor, and 5 years as a psychiatric social worker in emergency mental health facilities.
He has served as a Certified NY State Police Instructor, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, and certified instructor of several De-escalation and Crisis Intervention systems. His knowledge of the Irimi Aikido techniques comes from years of study at World Aikido Headquarters, in Tokyo, where he received 6th Degree Master Instructor Certification. He is the author of two books on police work and de-escalation: Dharma Cop (2021) and Learning & Living the Wisdom of the Warrior (2015.) Mr. Collings is available to assist agencies wishing to incorporate alternatives to neck restraints into their defensive tactics curriculum. He may be contacted at : [email protected]