Home Is Where The Healing Begins
Home Is Where Healing Begins - It is more than a slogan. It is the Serve & Protect philosophical approach to addressing emotional wellness for public safety professionals and their families.
Read moreRobert Michaels is the founder and CEO of Serve & Protect (www.serveprotect.org), a unique non-profit facilitating broad based trauma services and conducting
seminars for public safety and their families on the topic of trauma and suicide. Since 2011 they have placed almost 6,000 in trauma treatment. Michaels served as a MP with the Virginia National Guard and as a Detective with Norfolk VA Police. He is a graduate of Columbia International University ’81 and Wheaton College Graduate School ’84. He is State Chaplain for the Tennessee Fraternal Order of Police, for the FBI Memphis Division, and for Brentwood Fire Department. Rob is the 2017 recipient of the FBI Director’s Community Leadership Award for the Memphis Division, and is a member of the American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress and ILEETA.
Home Is Where Healing Begins - It is more than a slogan. It is the Serve & Protect philosophical approach to addressing emotional wellness for public safety professionals and their families.
Read moreWhen most people hear that startling fact they are stunned. The typical response, “really, that is terrible.” Indeed, it is terrible – moreover it is a disgrace. Emotional wellness is the new buzz in many public safety circles. President Trump...
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