Four law enforcement officers murdered as National Police Week is underway
As National Police Week is underway -- May 9-15 -- we've been somberly reminded why this period of time is annually set aside as four law enforcement officers have been ...
As National Police Week is underway -- May 9-15 -- we've been somberly reminded why this period of time is annually set aside as four law enforcement officers have been ...
During a crisis or tragedy, we often hear well-wishers offer their “thoughts and prayers.” Some people proffer these words as platitudes, while others extol genuine empathy for those who are ...
VOLUSIA COUNTY, Fla. – A gracious gesture receiving national attention is a college student praying over a Florida deputy during a public encounter at a local restaurant. Justine Tucker was ...
I have three adult children, two of whom are boys that refer to me as Pops. Their term of endearment makes me beam with delight. My children sustained decades of ...